Demodesk Coaching & AI


Record, transcribe, translate & analyze all meetings, and coach teams at scale using cutting edge AI - works with your favorite conferencing or dialing software.

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Use the Gong integration with Demodesk to send and analyze meeting recordings directly in Gong. Increase sales team productivity and performance with a more effective method of sales coaching.

  • No need to manually send recordings to Gong. The integration allows you to automatically sync call recordings after every call.
  • Record your calls natively with Demodesk and send them to Gong for indepth sales call analytics.
  • Analyze meeting performance in Gong to streamline coaching and  understand where to focus your efforts.

About Gong

Gong's Revenue Intelligence platform captures your customer interactions across phone, web conferencing, and email, understands what was said in these interactions, and delivers insights to help your team win more deals.

Gong created the Revenue Intelligence category to enable leading revenue teams to get the unfiltered truth about their customer interactions, their deals, and transform the way they go to market.


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